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TBR Recommends…

by Robie Day

Here’s this week’s recommended reading, and a great resource as well…

If you don’t have an audio Bible, don’t miss your opportunity to get this great dramatized version of the ESV… FREE!

Dave Dunham has only written two posts in his series entitled “Godliness and Perfectionism“, but I have to say I have already enjoyed reading the first two parts of this series more than any other series of posts I have read this year.

Here’s an important article by Thom Rainer on criticism in the church which all Christians should check themselves against.

For those who are called to creative work, here’s a good article by Jeff Bettger.

I was as surprised as Thabiti Anyabwile to read this, but found it very intriguing to read this post on why W.E.B. DuBois chose not to vote in the 1956.

David Dunham also wrote this great article on one of my favorite bands, Mumford & Sons.

TBR Recommends…

by Robie Day

Here are a few articles I enjoyed this week.  Hope you enjoy them as well!

Joe Thorn explains how to pray for your pastor.

Dr. Al Mohler responds to the discovery of a 4th century Coptic document that has received a great deal of attention since being announced by the Smithsonian Institution on Tuesday.

This article is not a justification for myself, especially since I have not turned on our Wii in months.  In this post, Stephen Altrogge rightly identifies that the real problem behind an obsession with video games, or any overindulgence for that matter, is really not a video game problem, but a heart problem.

For those Tolkien nerds out there, like myself, Peter Jackson’s The Hobbit will be in theaters in December.  Needless to say, I am pretty excited!  Here’s a new trailor for the prequel to the Lord of the Rings trilogy…

TBR Recommends…

What up errbody?!?! I hope everyone has had a wonderful week. Here are a couple of resources that I’ve found interesting from the past week…Enjoy!

-Dylan R.

1.) Thouology– This article is from the boys at The Gospel Coalition and, I think, is important to consider. It is not just about knowing about God, but knowing Him personally and intimately as well.

2.) Kingdom Through Covenant– This is the title of a new book released by Stephen Wellum and Peter Gentry, both professors at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY. There has been a lot of hype over this book from that community, and while I have not read the book yet, this interview at Credo Magazine was helpful.

3.) The Problem of Pain– I am in the last stages of completing a Theology of C.S. Lewis class, and this is the book that I am currently reading. Though many of you have probably read this, or maybe not, perhaps it is time for another look. The problem of pain and evil is an important one for pastoral ministry, one that we should always be ready to address the best we can.

Worldview Basics Pt.3: The Creator/Creature Relationship

Though it’s been a while since my last post in the Worldview Basics series, I have officially returned for more (pumped!). Previously, we discussed the question of how one would define worldview (Weltanschauung) while also introducing the first of four important concepts to consider in regards to building and maintaining a Christian worldview. In this post, I would like to focus on the next essential feature of a Christian worldview; namely that of the Creator/Creature relationship as John Frame suggests.[1]

In Frame’s approach to dealing with the issue of the Creator/creature relationship, he centers the discussion on the notion of God’s transcendence and His immanence. Rightfully, Frame places such a large emphasis on defining and describing these terms because they have the ability to radically shape what one believes about God—even from a Christian perspective.[2] Frame defines God’s transcendence in this way,

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TBR Recommends…

Hello readers! I hope everyone is doing well. Here are a couple of resources that I’ve found to be particularly helpful and interesting this past week. Enjoy!

Gay is NOT the New Black– This article from The Gospel Coalition was written by Voddie Baucham and interacts with recent public debate on the issue of homosexuality. This discussion has everything to do with issues in the church at the present time and it is very much worth your time to read.

Worldview,Culture, and Eschatology– This podcast was put out by The Reformed Forum. In light of our current series on worldview, this is a remarkably helpful resource. It is highly recommended. Enjoy!