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TBR Recommends…

What up errbody?!?! I hope everyone has had a wonderful week. Here are a couple of resources that I’ve found interesting from the past week…Enjoy!

-Dylan R.

1.) Thouology– This article is from the boys at The Gospel Coalition and, I think, is important to consider. It is not just about knowing about God, but knowing Him personally and intimately as well.

2.) Kingdom Through Covenant– This is the title of a new book released by Stephen Wellum and Peter Gentry, both professors at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY. There has been a lot of hype over this book from that community, and while I have not read the book yet, this interview at Credo Magazine was helpful.

3.) The Problem of Pain– I am in the last stages of completing a Theology of C.S. Lewis class, and this is the book that I am currently reading. Though many of you have probably read this, or maybe not, perhaps it is time for another look. The problem of pain and evil is an important one for pastoral ministry, one that we should always be ready to address the best we can.

C.S. Lewis and God’s Revelation Through Desire

Finally! I actually feel like a true American Evangelical Christian![1] Currently, I am reading my way through the many works of C.S. Lewis and I must confess that this is the first time I’ve really read Lewis seriously. In the time I’ve been spending with Lewis it doesn’t come as any surprise that he has been very helpful in my pursuit of theological inquiry. As many undoubtedly understand, Lewis has an uncanny ability to take a potentially complicated subject and attach to it an ingenious analogy of mythic proportions so that the reader is able to consider the issue from another angle; and it helps tremendously. Honestly, I believe that if I could learn to preach as Lewis writes, I’d be a complete man of God! Hopefully God will develop that skill in me someday.

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