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TBR Recommends…

What up errbody?!?! I hope everyone has had a wonderful week. Here are a couple of resources that I’ve found interesting from the past week…Enjoy!

-Dylan R.

1.) Thouology– This article is from the boys at The Gospel Coalition and, I think, is important to consider. It is not just about knowing about God, but knowing Him personally and intimately as well.

2.) Kingdom Through Covenant– This is the title of a new book released by Stephen Wellum and Peter Gentry, both professors at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY. There has been a lot of hype over this book from that community, and while I have not read the book yet, this interview at Credo Magazine was helpful.

3.) The Problem of Pain– I am in the last stages of completing a Theology of C.S. Lewis class, and this is the book that I am currently reading. Though many of you have probably read this, or maybe not, perhaps it is time for another look. The problem of pain and evil is an important one for pastoral ministry, one that we should always be ready to address the best we can.

Worldview Basics Pt.3: The Creator/Creature Relationship

Though it’s been a while since my last post in the Worldview Basics series, I have officially returned for more (pumped!). Previously, we discussed the question of how one would define worldview (Weltanschauung) while also introducing the first of four important concepts to consider in regards to building and maintaining a Christian worldview. In this post, I would like to focus on the next essential feature of a Christian worldview; namely that of the Creator/Creature relationship as John Frame suggests.[1]

In Frame’s approach to dealing with the issue of the Creator/creature relationship, he centers the discussion on the notion of God’s transcendence and His immanence. Rightfully, Frame places such a large emphasis on defining and describing these terms because they have the ability to radically shape what one believes about God—even from a Christian perspective.[2] Frame defines God’s transcendence in this way,

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TBR Recommends…


Here’s some recommended reading from around the blogosphere in the past week…

I am listing this first because I would love to hear your thoughts on this grid produced by Sam Crabtree in his book Practicing Affirmation.

In this helpful post, Mark Driscoll offers five questions to ask yourself when reading the Bible.

I love Batman.  I always have.  In this post, David Dunham writes about his own affection for the Caped Crusader.


In this post, Mark Driscoll explains three ways to faithfully preach the gospel.

Reformed Theology

James K.A. Smith offers a brief historical overview of reformed theology.

Michael Horton, author of For Calvinism, addresses five common myths about reformed theology.

In last week’s sermon, John Piper demonstrates the need for care when addressing the doctrine of election.


Worldview Basics Pt.1: Understanding Worldview

Lately, when Robie and I meet together in the lobby of our local Tim Horton’s restaurant for coffee, it seems that there is one theme that dominates our conversation—that of worldview. One of the many blessings that God has graciously granted is the companionship of another who cares deeply for the same issues that concern me. What Robie and I have come to understand (and I hope he agrees!) is that discussing the concept of building and maintaining a Christian worldview is of paramount importance! Over the next several weeks, I’d like to take some time and expound upon what John Frame labels as, “The four most important things to remember about the Christian worldview.”[1] However, before all the fun begins, we must do a little work in defining the idea of what it means to champion a “worldview”.

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TBR Recommends…

What up errobdy! Hope you all are doing well. I haven’t had much time to do any reading around the net this week, but I do have one article and some recommended books to offer. Hope you enjoy!- Dylan R.

10 Tips on Solving Mysterious Bible Passages from Sherlock Holmes: I have to confess that I was immediately excited about this article when I first saw it. For a long time now I have been fascniated with the old Sherlock Holmes stories. There are a great many things that we can learn from Mr. Holmes. I recommend checking out this article for your satisfaction (click here).

20th Century Theology: God & the World in a Transitional Age: This was one of my text books for class and have found it to be a wonderful addition to any pesonal library. Stanley Grenz and Roger Olson do a good job at tracing the important theological thinkers and movements in the span of western thought. Check it out!

He Gave us Stories: The Bible Student’s Guide to Interpreting Old Testament Narratives: This book too, was a text book that I’ve used for class. I found this to be an important work as it provides a detailed study of how to read Old Testament narratives. Reading the Bible as historical narrative where appropriate (which is a lot of the time) is an essential consdieration for bible interpreters. Check it out!